Shabbat Services
We offer weekly Shabbat morning services, as well as Shabbat evening services several times per month. All services are hybrid. Visit the Temple Emanu-El calendar to see the full list of upcoming services. To join a service via Zoom, click on the graphic below. Please note that for services where no Zoom tech is available, the siddur will not be shared on screen.
Following Shabbat services, join our service leader for weekly parashah study. Once a month, in lieu of parashah study, we hold an ongoing discussion about Israel, Israel Chavurah.
Tot Shabbat services are held periodically throughout the calendar year. Children up to age six and their parents meet at 6:00 pm for a fun evening of songs, games, stories, and prayers. This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to meet other members with young children and to share in the joy of Shabbat with your child.
Following Shabbat services, join our service leader for weekly parashah study. Once a month, in lieu of parashah study, we hold an ongoing discussion about Israel, Israel Chavurah.
Tot Shabbat services are held periodically throughout the calendar year. Children up to age six and their parents meet at 6:00 pm for a fun evening of songs, games, stories, and prayers. This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to meet other members with young children and to share in the joy of Shabbat with your child.