Learning to Leyn: Introductory Torah Trope
Please join me in the fall of 2018 for a 12-week adult class on trope: the melodic punctuation system that teaches us how to chant sacred Jewish text from Tanakh aloud. This class will focus on achieving proficiency in the names and melodies of the t’amim (trope signs). We’ll learn the melodies for reading Torah on Shabbat. The class will culminate in a public reading at our Temple on the Shabbat morning of December 22, 2018 (Parashat Vay'chi), at which each student will leyn the aliyah (Torah reading) which they’ve prepared in their class work.
Required text:
Recommended materials:
Students should feel comfortable reading Hebrew phonetically from punctuated text.
Free to Temple members.
$72 for nonmembers who took the spring 2018 class.
$180 for nonmembers who did not take the spring 2018 class.
Maximum enrollment: 12
Classes are on Tuesday nights from 7:00–9:00pm
October 23 and 30
November 6, 13, 20, and 27
December 4 and 18